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Main Challenges in Consumer Health Supply Chain

The Consumer Health Supply Chain Today

Supply chain is a process involving producers, manufacturers, distributors, transporters, retailers, and sellers – that functions to bring your products from production to delivery. Even though the demands for consumer health products have increased post-pandemic, consumer healthcare supply chain is different compared to other types of business supply chains. Consumer health products cannot be stored or stocked for too long and the materials need to be of the highest quality to ensure that they are safe for consumers. Cost-saving procedures need to be implemented to ensure smooth supply chain flow and still be able to maximise margins. With Business Management Platform (BMP), consumer health manufacturers (and other manufacturers in general) can make sure the supply chain movement remains smooth.

Challenge #1: Costly Human Errors and Bad Data

When complicated tasks and processes are done manually, the probability of human errors increases. Bad data caused by errors and scattered information can cause big losses. Enterpryze automates complicated tasks such as financial tracking, financial report generation, approving purchase transactions, and consolidating all sales-related information in one place, manufacturers can save time, save costs, avoid losses, and increase productivity.

Challenge #2: Product Recalls and Difficult Batch Traceability

It is important to ensure that consumer health products are safe. When there is no batch tracking system in place, possible product recalls will be a nightmare for manufacturers in ensuring that compromised goods don’t get delivered to consumers. This makes Enterpryze feature like ‘Batch Traceability’ vital when it comes to stock and product management. This way, consumer health manufacturers can maintain or increase the quality of their products. Another feature, ‘Predictive Stock Control’, helps streamline procurement and stock replenishment, distribution and order fulfilment while maintaining quality across multiple warehouses.

Challenge #3: Strict Regulations by Regulating Authorities

Most consumer health and healthcare manufacturers have Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in place to make sure post-production mistakes don’t occur. In the long run, it is more costly finding post-production mistakes than to prevent them in the first place. In GMP implementation, a BMP solution like Enterpryze is essential as Enterpryze facilitates regulatory compliance, offering reliable data management and easy access to detailed specifications.

Challenge #4: Communication Breakdowns and Lost Documents

It’s no small feat making sure your materials, goods, or stock complies with consumer health regulations. Merely relying on spreadsheets or multiple systems can be time-consuming and costly for your business down the road. Enterpryze, our all-in-one cloud BMP solution offers a smooth procurement process with faster purchase reordering and the ability to scan purchase invoices into Enterpryze. Manufacturers can also pull up financial reports, real-time inventory levels and delivery schedules 24/7 with powerful reporting on a secure cloud platform.


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